SASSA Card Renew 2024: Everything You Need to Know

If your SASSA card is no longer functioning due to its expiration, you must obtain a replacement to continue receiving your SRD grant funds. The following steps outline obtaining a new SASSA debit card in 2024.

SASSA Card Renew 2024: Everything You Need to Know

SASSA Card Renew 2024

In 2023, SASSA told everyone that the old SASSA Gold cards would continue working until December 2023. But after that, everyone needs to get a new card to keep receiving their grant money.

Remember: Only Postbank can give out and renew the Gold cards for people getting grants. But you don’t have to go to the Postbank yourself. The SASSA post offices can do it for you.

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How to Get a New Card

Before you start, make sure you have these things:

  • Your South African ID or Passport.
  • Something that shows where you live.
  • Your old SASSA card that doesn’t work anymore.
  • A bill for something like electricity or water.

Step 1: Go to the Post Office

Find the closest South African Post Office (SAPO) branch to your home. Check when they’re open and go then. Talk to one of the workers when you get there and tell them why you’re there.

Step 2: Fill Out a Form

The worker will give you a form to fill out. If you’re not sure how to fill it out, ask the worker for help.

Step 3: Hand in the Form

Check the form to make sure everything on it is right. Then give it back to the worker. They’ll give you a receipt. Keep it safe because you’ll need it to get your new card.

Step 4: Get Your New Card

When your new SASSA card is ready, they’ll email you. Go back to the post office with your receipt to pick it up. Activating your new SASSA card is easy.

How to Use Your New Card

Once you’ve activated your new SASSA card, you can use it just like any other debit card. Here are some things you can do with it:

1. Get Your SRD Payment from an ATM

To get your SRD grant money out of an ATM, do this:

  • Find an ATM that takes SASSA cards. Most ATMs in South Africa do.
  • Put your SASSA card into the ATM.
  • Type in your PIN to get into your account.
  • Choose to take out cash.
  • Type in how much money you want to take out. Make sure it’s not more than what’s in your account.
  • Take your money, card, and receipt.

2. Buy Food at the Supermarket

You can use your SASSA card to buy food at any shop that takes debit cards:

  • Pick out your food and go to the checkout.
  • At the checkout, swipe or put your SASSA card into the machine.
  • Type in your PIN to pay.
  • Once the payment goes through, take your receipt and your food.

3. Pay for Meals or Petrol

You can also use your SASSA card to pay for meals at restaurants or petrol at petrol stations:

  • At Restaurants:
    • Eat your meal.
    • When you’re done, ask for the bill.
    • Give your SASSA card to the waiter or use the card machine yourself.
    • Type in your PIN to pay.
    • Make sure you get a receipt.
  • At Petrol Stations:
    • Fill up your car with as much petrol as you want.
    • Go to the counter or use the card machine at the pump if there is one.
    • Swipe or put your SASSA card into the machine.
    • Type in your PIN to pay.
    • Make sure you get a receipt when you’re done.

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