Ireland €1,850 Social Welfare Grant: Payment Date and Details

The group that manages social help payments has announced when it will give out a special payment of €1,850. This payment is called the Carer’s Support Grant, which used to be called the Respite Care Grant. Every year, people who look after others receive this money.

Ireland’s €1,850 Social Welfare Grant: Payment Date and Details

Ireland’s €1,850 Social Welfare Grant

Three types of people will get the Carer’s Support Grant without having to do anything:

  • People who get money because they are carers (this can be the full amount or half)
  • People who get money because they are carers and can’t work
  • People who get money to look after someone at home

But, only one Carer’s Support Grant will be given to each person being looked after.

How to Get It?

To get the Carer’s Support Grant, you need to:

  • Be 16 years old or more
  • Live in Ireland most of the time
  • Look after someone all the time
  • Have been looking after someone for at least six months, and this time must include the first Thursday in June
  • Live with the person you are looking after or, if you don’t, there are some rules you need to follow (like, the person you look after should be able to get in touch with you quickly and easily)

While you are looking after someone for these six months, you can’t:

  • Work more than 18.5 hours a week
  • Go to school or train for more than 18.5 hours a week
  • Get money because you don’t have a job
  • Sign up to get credits
  • Live in a hospital, a home for people who are recovering, or a place like that

How Much Is It?

The Carer’s Support Grant, as of June 2023, was set at €1,850. This significant amount can help carers manage their expenses related to caring for someone. The best part about this grant is that it’s not considered as income under tax laws. You don’t have to pay tax on this money, so the full amount directly supports your caregiving responsibilities.

Application Process

The process is straightforward if you’re already receiving certain types of financial support because of your role as a carer. Specifically, if you’re getting:

  • Carer’s Allowance: This is a payment for people looking after someone who needs support because of age, physical or learning disability, or mental illness.
  • Carer’s Benefit: This is a payment made to people who have left the workforce to care for a person(s) who needs full-time care and attention.
  • Domiciliary Care Allowance: This is a monthly payment for children under 16 with severe disabilities who require ongoing care and attention, substantially more than another child of the same age.

You don’t need to apply for the Carer’s Support Grant if you’re receiving any of these. It will be automatically paid to you.

However, if you’re not receiving any of these payments but are providing care to someone, you can still apply for the Carer’s Support Grant. You’ll need to fill in an application form for each person you’re caring for.

This process ensures that all eligible carers can access this support, even those not on other benefits. Remember, the grant is per person being cared for, so if you’re looking after more than one person, fill out forms for each individual. This way, you can receive appropriate support for your caregiving responsibilities.

Click the link to know more.

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