GST Payout Confirmed 2024, Know More About Eligibility Criteria & How to Receive

Singapore is a popular place for students and people from other countries. But, living there can be expensive, especially when buying a house or paying rent. To help with this, the government started a plan in 2012 called the GST Payout Scheme. This plan helps people with low and middle incomes handle the high cost of living.

GST Payout Confirmed 2024, Know More About Eligibility Criteria & How to Receive

GST Payout Confirmed 2024

The GST Payout Scheme is for everyone, not just low-income people. The main idea behind this plan is to help people cope with the high cost of living. As the cost of living keeps going up, the government has improved the GST vouchers. Starting in 2024, the Assurance Package payment will increase from 8% to 9%.

People who can get the GST payment will get $850 one time. The government changes the voucher amount occasionally to ensure it helps people with their daily costs. How much you get depends on how much money you make in a year and what you own.

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Eligibility Criteria for the GST Payout

To get the GST Payout, you need to:

  • Be a citizen of Singapore and live there.
  • Be at least 21 years old.
  • Own only one property.
  • You must make $34,000 or less in a year, and your Home’s Annual Value (AV) must be no more than $21,000.

If you meet these rules, you can get the amount. If not, you can apply on the GovBenefits website.

GST Payout Payment Dates

The government understands that the rising cost of living can be challenging for many individuals. To provide support, the government introduced the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Voucher scheme. This voucher can be utilized at various establishments, including supermarkets, hawker centres, and cooked food stalls, to relieve everyday expenses.

The GST Payout distribution is anticipated between 1st August and 21st August 2024. You can expect to receive the GST Voucher directly if you have previously enrolled for a government payout.

Beware of Scams

Email scams, also known as phishing scams, are fraudulent attempts by scammers to trick you into revealing personal information such as your bank account numbers, passwords, and credit card numbers. They do this by sending you emails that appear to be from legitimate sources but are not. These emails often include links or attachments that, when clicked or downloaded, can lead to data theft or redirect you to a fake website.

The Dangers of Email Scams

Clicking on links or downloading attachments from scam emails can have serious consequences:

  • Data Theft: Scammers can steal your personal information, which they can use to commit identity theft, drain your bank accounts, or rack up charges on your credit card.
  • Malware: Some scam emails contain harmful software, known as malware, which can damage your computer or mobile device, or give scammers access to your files and personal information.
  • Fake Websites: Scam emails often direct you to fake websites that look like real ones. If you enter your username and password, the scammers can capture and use this information to access your accounts.

How to Protect Yourself

Here are some tips to help you avoid falling victim to email scams:

  • Be Skeptical: If an email seems suspicious, it probably is. Be wary of emails from unknown senders or those that ask for personal information.
  • Don’t Click on Links or Attachments: Unless an email is from a legitimate source, don’t click on links or download any attachments. These could lead to data theft or take you to a fake website.
  • Check the Email Address: Scammers often use email addresses that look similar to those from real companies but are slightly altered. Always check the email address carefully.
  • Use Security Software: Keep your devices protected by using security software and keeping it up to date.
  • Report Suspicious Emails: If you receive a suspicious email, report it to your email provider and to the company it appears to be from.

How to Receive Your GST Voucher

You might be wondering how you’ll get your GST voucher. You can get the GSTV in two ways: redeem it or get a direct bank transfer. Here’s how it works:

  • If you’ve linked your PayNow account with the NRIC, you’ll get the voucher on 1 August 2024.
  • If you’ve shared your bank details when filling out the form, your GSTV cash will be put in your bank on 11 August 2024.
  • If you have a GovCash account, you’ll get the GSTV by 21 August 2024, unless you’ve given your bank information or linked the PayNow to your NRIC account.

People who made a claim before the deadline, 30 April 2024, will get the GSTV depending on the way they chose. The biggest change in 2024 is the increase in the voucher amount. Before, people could get $350 to $700. But in 2024, they can get $450 to $850.


The Singapore GST Payout Scheme is a big help for people dealing with the high cost of living. By understanding the plan, who can get it, and when it happens, people in Singapore can better handle their money and the high cost of living. Stay informed and make the most of the help the government offers.

Click the link to know more.

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