South Africa Rolls Out New Smart ID Cards and Passports Full Details Inside

Dr. Leon Schreiber, the recently appointed Home Affairs Minister, has announced plans to enhance the security features of South Africa’s Smart ID cards and passports. The new security measures are expected to improve these crucial identification documents’ overall security and integrity.

He didn’t say exactly when this would happen, but it would be during the current government’s tenure. These changes are intended to increase the trust of other countries and organizations in these documents.

South Africa Rolls Out New Smart ID Cards and Passports Full Details Inside

Current Government’s Time in Power

According to current circumstances, the existing government is expected to retain its position until the regular general elections in 2029, unless a situation necessitates an early election.

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Problems with Passport Security

There have been many reports about problems with the security of the South African passport. Aaron Motsoaledi, the previous Home Affairs Minister, has said that because of these problems, South Africans now must apply for visas to visit countries like the UK.

What’s Being Done About Fraud

Home Affairs Minister Motsoaledi has emphasized the seriousness with which the South African government is approaching passport fraud. He has warned that strict measures will be taken to safeguard the interests of all South Africans.

This statement comes in the wake of a case in which a Pakistani individual was convicted of corruption and of bribing officials to produce counterfeit passports. The Minister’s declaration underscores the government’s commitment to confronting and addressing fraudulent activities that threaten the integrity of the passport system.

Ryanair’s Controversial Security Check

In 2022, the airline Ryanair tried to deal with this problem by asking South Africans to answer a questionnaire in Afrikaans before they could get on its planes. But this was stopped after many people complained. Ryanair said this was an extra security check to ensure passengers had the right documents before travelling.

Good News for People Who Became Citizens

Dr Schreiber also had some good news for people who became citizens but haven’t been able to apply for Smart ID cards for more than ten years. He said these people will soon be able to apply for Smart ID cards. So far, 280 cards have been given out and another 697 are being made. Up until now, only people born in South Africa could get Smart ID cards. So, people who became citizens and lost their green ID books had to go to one of the few offices that still give out these old documents.

The Democratic Alliance said this was not fair to these citizens. This could have become a bigger problem if the department had planned to stop using green ID books. The department only started a trial of giving Smart ID cards to people who became citizens in December 2023. This was mentioned in a response to DA MP AC Roos in March 2024.

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