South Africa Home Affairs Blocks 700,000 IDs: Are You Affected? Check Now

The Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, South Africa, has made a big decision. They said the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) was wrong to block people’s IDs. This is a big deal because many people couldn’t use important services because their IDs were blocked.

Three groups fought against this in court:

  • Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR)
  • Legal Wise South Africa
  • The Children’s Institute

South Africa Home Affairs Blocks 700,000 IDs: Are You Affected? Check Now

They said that the DHA was blocking IDs that they thought were fake, but they didn’t tell people before they did it or give them a chance to prove that their IDs were real. This left many people without any way to prove who they were.

South Africa Home Affairs Blocks 700,000 IDs

This problem started in May 2012. The DHA wanted to eliminate duplicate IDs in the National Population Register. At first, they blocked 29,000 IDs. But by 2020, they had blocked over one million IDs. They have unblocked some of these IDs, but over 700,000 are still blocked.

Number of Blocked IDs

The Impact on People

People who had their IDs blocked couldn’t do a lot of things. They couldn’t:

  • Get passports
  • Travel
  • Go to school
  • Get healthcare
  • Open bank accounts

This was really hard for them. It was also hard for kids whose parents’ IDs were blocked.

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What the Court Said

Judge Van der Schyff ruled that the DHA is responsible for safeguarding the National Population Register. However, the agency cannot suspend IDs without allowing individuals to demonstrate their authenticity.

What Happens Next

The court has directed the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) to conduct a thorough assessment to determine the potential risks of unblocking certain individuals’ identification documents (IDs). Additionally, the DHA is tasked with closely monitoring the activities of the individuals assisted by LHR and Legal Wise.

The court has granted 90 days for these assessments to be completed, and the DHA has been given a timeline of 12 months to ensure compliance with the court’s directive.

Check If Your ID Is Blocked

If you suspect that your identification (ID) has been blocked for any reason, it is important to take action to confirm its status. To navigate this issue, you can seek assistance from the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) or organizations such as the Legal Resources Centre (LHR).

It’s essential to address any potential issues with your ID to ensure that you can access the services and benefits that require valid identification.


The Gauteng High Court’s decision is a big win for human rights in South Africa. It shows that the government has to treat people fairly. The hope is that the DHA will follow the court’s order. Then, people with blocked IDs can start to live normal lives again.

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