Microsoft Free IT Training Courses: AI Engineers’ Guide 2024 – Unlocking the Future of AI

Microsoft, a renowned name in the IT industry, is taking a proactive approach to educating tech enthusiasts worldwide. The company offers a series of free IT courses specifically designed for AI engineers, focusing on emerging technologies. This article provides an in-depth look at these courses.

Microsoft Free IT Training Courses: AI Engineers’ Guide 2024 - Unlocking the Future of AI

Microsoft Free IT Training Courses

Microsoft’s initiative includes the following courses:

Course Name
Number of Units
Fundamental AI Concepts
36 min
10 Units
Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI
50 min
9 Units
Fundamentals of Azure AI services
36 min
8 Units
Fundamentals of Generative AI
1 hr 13 min
11 Units

Detailed Course Descriptions

Fundamental AI Concepts

This course introduces the core concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI technology has revolutionized various sectors by enabling the creation of solutions that were once considered part of a distant future. It has brought about significant advancements in diverse fields such as healthcare, finance, environmental conservation, and more. The ultimate goal is to leverage AI to better society as a whole.

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Fundamentals of Responsible Generative AI

This course is designed to equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop generative AI solutions responsibly. The course covers a wide range of topics, and upon completion, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the comprehensive process involved in the development of responsible generative AI solutions.
  • Identify and address potential harms associated with a generative AI solution.
  • Prepare for a generative AI solution’s responsible deployment and operation, ensuring ethical considerations are considered.

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Fundamentals of Azure AI Services

This course offers a deep dive into the fundamentals of Azure AI services. It gives learners an understanding of how these services can be utilized to develop AI applications and solutions. The course covers the basics of Azure AI services, their functionalities, and how they can be integrated into various applications.

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Fundamentals of Generative AI

This course explores the fascinating world of generative AI. It focuses on how language models can enable AI applications and services to generate original content based on natural language input. The course also delves into how generative AI can be used to create AI copilots that can assist humans in performing creative tasks. This opens up possibilities, transforming how we approach problem-solving and creative tasks.

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Microsoft’s initiative to offer these free IT courses for AI engineers is a testament to their commitment to fostering a continuous technological learning and innovation culture. These courses provide a great opportunity for AI engineers to upskill and stay updated with the latest trends in AI and related technologies.

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