GSIS Survivorship Pension July 2024: Amount, Claim Form, Eligibility, and Payout Process

The GSIS Survivorship Pension is a vital financial support program offered by the government of the Philippines. This program aims to assist the families of GSIS (Government Service Insurance System) members who have passed away.

It serves as a means to help these families cope with the financial impact of their loss by providing a form of pension to support them during this difficult time. The program is a testament to the government’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of its citizens and their families, particularly during challenging circumstances.

GSIS Survivorship Pension July 2024: Amount, Claim Form, Eligibility, and Payout Process

GSIS Survivorship Pension July 2024

The GSIS Survivorship Pension is a monthly financial support provided to the family of a GSIS member who has passed away. This pension is intended to assist the family in meeting their financial needs and maintaining a decent standard of living following the loss of their loved one.

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Who Can Get the GSIS Survivorship Pension?

The GSIS Survivorship Pension is for the family of the GIS member who has died. Here are the people who can get it:

Main People Who Can Get It:

  • The wife or husband who was married to the member for at least one year before the member retired or for at least ten years if they got married after the member retired.
  • The pension is available to the children of members who are not married and are younger than 21 years old. If the children are studying in a college or a vocational course, they can get a pension until they are 25 years old. Children who are disabled can get the pension no matter how old they are.

Other People Who Can Get It:

  • The parents of the member who has died
  • The brothers and sisters of the member who has died

How Much Money Can You Get and When Can You Get It?

The GSIS Survivorship Pension is made up of two parts:

What It Is
Basic Survivorship Pension
This is half of the minimum pension the member who died was getting.
Dependent’s Pension
Each child who can get the pension will get 10% of the minimum pension. They will get this money until they are old enough or meet the mentioned conditions.

The GSIS Survivorship Pension is given every month, at the same time as the GSIS pension.

How to Claim the GSIS Survivorship Pension

If you are one of the people who can get the GSIS Survivorship Pension, here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Get all the papers you need, like:
    • The original death certificate of the GIS member
    • Proof that you are related to the member who died
    • Marriage certificates, birth certificates for children, and other papers depending on your situation.
  • Give the papers to GSIS: You can do this yourself or go to a GSIS branch near you, and they will help you.
  • Wait for GSIS to process your claim: This usually takes 15 to 30 working days. GSIS will tell you what is happening with your claim.
  • Get your pension: Once your claim is approved, you can get the pension through a GSIS ATM card or send it directly to your bank account.

You need to claim the survivorship pension within four years from the date the member died, along with the claim for funeral benefit. GSIS may visit your home to check everything. The pension for the wife or husband may be stopped if they get married again, live with someone, or have a common-law relationship.

In the end, the GSIS Survivorship Pension is a very important help for the families of GIS members who have died. It shows that the government cares about its workers and their families.

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