DWP PIP Cancelled for 2,20,000 Individuals, Latest Reassessment Report Unveils

The UK’s Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has made a big change that affects people who get Personal Independence Payments (PIP). They decided to stop PIP benefits for 220,000 people.

This decision came after they looked at the results of reviews done over five years, from February 2019 to January 2024. They found that 20% of the people who were getting PIP didn’t need it anymore because their health got better.

DWP PIP Cancelled for 2,20,000 Individuals, Latest Reassessment Report Unveils

DWP PIP Cancelled for 2,20,000 Individuals

A reassessment is when the DWP checks if people getting PIP still need help because of their health problems. This can happen when someone tells the DWP that their situation has changed, or it can happen automatically when their award period ends.

The reassessment includes looking at medical records and getting opinions from healthcare professionals. They found that over 200,000 people’s health had improved so much that they no longer qualified for PIP. However, people who still have serious health problems that affect their daily lives will keep getting PIP.

PIP Payments Statistical Data and DWP’s Reply

Even though many people lost their benefits, the DWP says that for more than half of the people (52%), the amount of money they get didn’t change. The DWP also recently said that more people need help than ever before, which they called “unprecedented.” This could be because more older people know about PIP and are applying for it.

The DWP regularly checks to ensure that the help people get matches their needs. Sometimes, this means that the DWP asks some people to have another assessment. Then, an assessment provider will suggest how much help the person needs, which could mean the amount of help they get could increase or decrease.

The DWP said, “We might review awards when a claimant tells us that something has changed, or at the end of their review period that was set when they first got the award. During a review, we might change the level of the award (this can happen with or without the case first being referred to an Assessment Provider).”

Key Points

  • DWP’s Decision: The DWP stopped PIP benefits for 220,000 people.
  • Reassessment Process: The DWP checks if people who get PIP still need help because of their health problems.
  • Outcome of Reassessment: Over 200,000 people’s health improved so much that they no longer qualified for PIP.
  • PIP Payments Data: For more than half of the people (52%), the amount of money they get didn’t change.

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