2024 Carers Allowance and Support Grant in Ireland: Amounts and News for This Month

Ireland has a special program to help people who need money. This includes old people, people who can’t work because they’re sick or hurt, and people who don’t have jobs. One of these help programs is the Ireland Carers Allowance 2024. This is money given to someone who takes care of another person who is too sick or weak to take care of themselves.

2024 Carers Allowance and Support Grant in Ireland: Amounts and News for This Month

Carers Allowance and Support Grant in Ireland

To get this money, the person caring for someone else must not make too much money themselves. If they are taking care of more than one person, they get 50% more money each week. But they can’t get money from any other social help program. If they are, they only get half the carer allowance. If the person they care for lives with them, they can also get a free package of household benefits.

The person caring for someone else has to fill out a form for each person they are caring for. They can do this anytime from April 2024 to December 2025. In 2023, single people caring for someone else got €350 weekly, and married couples got €750. This year, single people will get €100 more weekly, and couples will get €150 more.

How much is a Carers Support Grant?

This money is usually given out in June every year, so people should get it in June 2024. Single people will get €450 this year, and couples will get €900. If someone didn’t get any money in 2023, they must complete the forms correctly. If they fill out the forms wrong, they won’t get any money.

Last year, the Care’s Support Grant was €1,850. This money is not taxed and can be claimed once a year. If someone is already getting a carer allowance or Carer benefit, they don’t have to apply again.


To get the Ireland Carers Allowance, a person must:

  • Be 18 years old or older.
  • Pass a means test.
  • Be providing full-time care.
  • Not live in a hospital or other care centre.
  • Not be working, self-employed, or studying for more than 18.5 hours a week.
  • Be a citizen.

People can start filling out the form in April 2024.

Types of Allowance in Ireland

In Ireland, there are many different types of social help payments. The government wants to help everyone and has plans for all kinds of people. These programs help people deal with their money problems and help them keep up with the cost of living. Here are some of the benefits:

  • Illness Benefit: For people over 66 who can’t work because they’re sick.
  • Disability Allowance: For people with disabilities that will last for a year or more.
  • State Pension: For old people who paid into social insurance when working.
  • PUP: For workers who lost their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Self-Employed: For business owners making less money than they need to keep their business going.
  • BTEA: For people 18 or older who want to keep studying but don’t have enough money.

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